Monday 30 January 2012


Good morning to you all from a cold Cornwall ... no snow but its cold this morning . We've had a very mild winter so far this year , unlike last year when it was bitterly cold and we had snow before Christmas , something i cant remember ever happening ............ Anyway , onto other things .

I didn't make my usual Christmas cards this year but
i did make quilted placement mats .... I joined , along with my sister , a quilting class at the end of September last year . I love it . I find it relaxing and cant believe how fast 2 1/2 hrs goes ! Believe it or not i hate sewing , loathed it when i was at school and paid no attention in the lesson's ! Now

here i am quilting away and enjoying it lol ! I had to re-learn using a sewing machine because i hadn't used one since i was in school ( many years ago ! )

I started off using a basic Singer machine but during
November whilst watching a programme on ' Create and Craft ' TV they were demonstrating a computerized 'Silver' machine and it was on offer , so i bought it . Its a lovely machine to use , very easy to understand and it does around 500 different stitches ! My one gripe , which i discovered yesterday , is when the light bulb goes you have to ring a service engineer to change it ! But its a minor thing so not going to grumble about it . Here are some of my Christmas placement mats that i made
As this is the first time i've tried my hand at quilting i'm quite pleased with my finished product . At quilting classes we started to make a lap quilt. I've nearly finished all my blocks for this , i just have 2 more to make and then i can start putting it together .

Well i had better finish here for the moment as i have some things to finish and i want to finish off a couple of things before quilting classes tomorrow . Take care and thank you for stopping by .God bless and hugs Melita


  1. Hello Melita. Thank you for reading my blog. I was wondering how your two new kitties are getting on, they look so cute in the photo. Your quilting is beautiful, wish I had the patience to do that.

  2. Your quilting in gorgeous :)
    Hugzz Val xx

  3. Hi Melita,
    Thanks for following the Buderim Patchwork gals.
    So sorry to read your sad news of your kitties's always such a sad time and I find it takes awhile to get over....but great are you?? your kitties lived a very long and full life, so hats off to you!
    Love your Christmas place mats, hope you have been 'quilting your little heart out' since posting...I know how conditions that can affect your daily health and ability to achieve can cut into time.
