Monday 30 January 2012


Good morning to you all from a cold Cornwall ... no snow but its cold this morning . We've had a very mild winter so far this year , unlike last year when it was bitterly cold and we had snow before Christmas , something i cant remember ever happening ............ Anyway , onto other things .

I didn't make my usual Christmas cards this year but
i did make quilted placement mats .... I joined , along with my sister , a quilting class at the end of September last year . I love it . I find it relaxing and cant believe how fast 2 1/2 hrs goes ! Believe it or not i hate sewing , loathed it when i was at school and paid no attention in the lesson's ! Now

here i am quilting away and enjoying it lol ! I had to re-learn using a sewing machine because i hadn't used one since i was in school ( many years ago ! )

I started off using a basic Singer machine but during
November whilst watching a programme on ' Create and Craft ' TV they were demonstrating a computerized 'Silver' machine and it was on offer , so i bought it . Its a lovely machine to use , very easy to understand and it does around 500 different stitches ! My one gripe , which i discovered yesterday , is when the light bulb goes you have to ring a service engineer to change it ! But its a minor thing so not going to grumble about it . Here are some of my Christmas placement mats that i made
As this is the first time i've tried my hand at quilting i'm quite pleased with my finished product . At quilting classes we started to make a lap quilt. I've nearly finished all my blocks for this , i just have 2 more to make and then i can start putting it together .

Well i had better finish here for the moment as i have some things to finish and i want to finish off a couple of things before quilting classes tomorrow . Take care and thank you for stopping by .God bless and hugs Melita