Sunday 9 October 2011


Its been 10 long months since i have written a new up-date on either of my blogs . Its been a rather hard year for me and during it i lost both my darling cats within 3 weeks of each other . Missy my tabby was the 1st one i lost . I noticed during the morning that she wasnt herself , and said to my daughters that i would take her to see the vet in the afternoon , but when i went to check on her a bit later she had slipped into a coma and died not long after . We had found her wandering around our town late one night and although we knocked doors and put a notice up , no-one claimed her , so she stayed with us . She was about 3-4 mths old when we found her and was around 16 yrs when she died on 2nd Febuary .

I wanted to add a picture of Missy but they are all on my other broken laptop , will have to try and see if i can get them off my hard drive somehow .

My other cat , Murphy , my baby boy , was the same age as Missy but i had him since he was 7wks old . From the 1st day he slept in my arms and he did the same all through his life , it didnt matter if i was sitting , lying on my back or my side Murphy would climb on up and settle down to sleep . He was my baby , my little man . After Missy died he just went down hill , i spent 3 wks going to and fro the vets trying to get him better , but in the end i had to make that horrible decision to let him go . In 3 wks he went blind and could barely stand . I was heartbroken to let him go but couldnt see him suffer like that , the vet said there was nothing more i could do . Its the worse part of having a pet , they become part of the family and the pain of losing a much loved part of family is overwhelming . They were both laid to rest in my daughters garden and she has made a lovely place were they are with flowers and even a plaque with their names and dates on . Its nice to know i can go there and lay some flowers for them . The house was so empty afterwards , its funny how two small animals can leave such a large , emptyness in a home . They will never be forgotten and will have joined my other pets that i have had at 'THE RAINBOW BRIDGE' . God bless both you , mummy loves you and thinks of you every day .

All the stress and upset caused a flare of my FIBROMYALGIA AND ME and i've had a lot of pain and fatigue this year . I didnt want to make any cards or do much to be honest and my 'mojo' was gone . I am now beginning to pick up and start to do some things which i will add to another blog post . I also have 2 new additions to my home . My 3 daughters turned up one evening with 2 tiny fur babies .. 2 little kittens , one all black and female and her brother , grey with white patchs . I will tell you all about them on another blog , but will leave you with a picture . Thank you for reading and God bless Melita xx