Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Well this layout is all new
Ages again since i last blogged on here or on my other blog . So much happened during last year and the title of my blog seems very apt . Just after Christmas last year (2011) my mum had to be admitted to hospital , her potassium levels were dangerously high . Her kidney function was already down to only 20% and with her age , she was 88 yrs it was viewed as very serious . After treatment she was allowed home on New Year's day (2012) . I said i would do her meals for her as she had to be very careful with her diet plus being disabled by now she wasnt cooking a proper meal for herself too often . On July 2nd 2012 in the afternoon i had a phone call from her DR saying they wanted to admit mum to hospital because of an infection in her leg . My sister and i went up there and helped mum to get ready and pack her stuff . She hated hospitals and said to me she didnt want to go but i told her it would only be for a couple of days until they sorted out her infection . In all my years i had never heard my mum ever complain about pain , but that afternoon she was crying and begging us to do something to stop the pain . Her leg had swollen so bad it looked like an elephants leg . Anyway we waited for the ambulance to arrive and as they took mum my sister and i went on in the car . When they arrived my mum had apparently nearly flat-lined in the ambulance and they were so angry as her Dr had left them no notes on her condition or what her stats were ! They found her a bed and we waited for the hospital DR to come and examine her . In the mean time they had to give her morphine for the pain . The Dr came to speak to us after and this is when my world came crashing down . He told us mum was very seriously ill and they didnt think she would last the night . We sat with her all through the night holding her hand and just after 7-00am she passed away with her family surrounding her . The next few days passed in a daze for us . My sister and i had to go and sort mum's flat out and it took us quite awhile . We made her funeral a celebration of her life and it was beautiful .. we did her proud that day ! The last few months i've spent trying to get my head around it and then in November 2012 i was told that my smear test showed positive for pre-cancerous cells and i would need treatment . I stayed strong until after i had the treatment and then i kinda collapsed ! I hadnt been this depressed for many many years . I couldnt mention mum's name without breaking down and the stupidist things had me in floods of tears . I was dreading Christmas , which is my favorite time of the year , because this would be the 1st one without mum . Anyway i had promised my daughter a Christmas quilted wall-hanging so i made myself make a start on it and having something to focus on helped me a lot . I then got the decorations out and put them up . As i looked around at the tree and lights i felt some how calm and thought this year mum you can come and visit us at Christmas . Despite us asking her mum hadnt left her flat for years because of her illnesses and every year i would cook mum her Christmas dinner and take it up to her , now she could come and visit us all . This thought helped me get through Christmas .
You know the day will come when you will lose your mum and dad ( Dad died in 1985 ) but it is a terrible thing when it does happen and breaks your heart in a thousand pieces !
I'm praying and hoping that this year will be a better year for us as a family . We do have something good to look forward to as my youngest daughter Ruth is getting married in August of this year . She has already picked her dress and it is beautiful and she looks amazing in it . Her bridesmaid dresses are all sorted and my dress is sorted as well . I will be giving her away as she lost her dad in 2006 and i am so excited about it . I know we will miss the loved ones who cant be with us in person but i'm very sure they will be there in spirit proudly looking on ..... Whilst you keep their memories alive in your heart they will never be truly gone !
Thank you for stopping by and reading this .. Take care love and hugs
Melita xx
Ages again since i last blogged on here or on my other blog . So much happened during last year and the title of my blog seems very apt . Just after Christmas last year (2011) my mum had to be admitted to hospital , her potassium levels were dangerously high . Her kidney function was already down to only 20% and with her age , she was 88 yrs it was viewed as very serious . After treatment she was allowed home on New Year's day (2012) . I said i would do her meals for her as she had to be very careful with her diet plus being disabled by now she wasnt cooking a proper meal for herself too often . On July 2nd 2012 in the afternoon i had a phone call from her DR saying they wanted to admit mum to hospital because of an infection in her leg . My sister and i went up there and helped mum to get ready and pack her stuff . She hated hospitals and said to me she didnt want to go but i told her it would only be for a couple of days until they sorted out her infection . In all my years i had never heard my mum ever complain about pain , but that afternoon she was crying and begging us to do something to stop the pain . Her leg had swollen so bad it looked like an elephants leg . Anyway we waited for the ambulance to arrive and as they took mum my sister and i went on in the car . When they arrived my mum had apparently nearly flat-lined in the ambulance and they were so angry as her Dr had left them no notes on her condition or what her stats were ! They found her a bed and we waited for the hospital DR to come and examine her . In the mean time they had to give her morphine for the pain . The Dr came to speak to us after and this is when my world came crashing down . He told us mum was very seriously ill and they didnt think she would last the night . We sat with her all through the night holding her hand and just after 7-00am she passed away with her family surrounding her . The next few days passed in a daze for us . My sister and i had to go and sort mum's flat out and it took us quite awhile . We made her funeral a celebration of her life and it was beautiful .. we did her proud that day ! The last few months i've spent trying to get my head around it and then in November 2012 i was told that my smear test showed positive for pre-cancerous cells and i would need treatment . I stayed strong until after i had the treatment and then i kinda collapsed ! I hadnt been this depressed for many many years . I couldnt mention mum's name without breaking down and the stupidist things had me in floods of tears . I was dreading Christmas , which is my favorite time of the year , because this would be the 1st one without mum . Anyway i had promised my daughter a Christmas quilted wall-hanging so i made myself make a start on it and having something to focus on helped me a lot . I then got the decorations out and put them up . As i looked around at the tree and lights i felt some how calm and thought this year mum you can come and visit us at Christmas . Despite us asking her mum hadnt left her flat for years because of her illnesses and every year i would cook mum her Christmas dinner and take it up to her , now she could come and visit us all . This thought helped me get through Christmas .
You know the day will come when you will lose your mum and dad ( Dad died in 1985 ) but it is a terrible thing when it does happen and breaks your heart in a thousand pieces !
I'm praying and hoping that this year will be a better year for us as a family . We do have something good to look forward to as my youngest daughter Ruth is getting married in August of this year . She has already picked her dress and it is beautiful and she looks amazing in it . Her bridesmaid dresses are all sorted and my dress is sorted as well . I will be giving her away as she lost her dad in 2006 and i am so excited about it . I know we will miss the loved ones who cant be with us in person but i'm very sure they will be there in spirit proudly looking on ..... Whilst you keep their memories alive in your heart they will never be truly gone !
Thank you for stopping by and reading this .. Take care love and hugs
Melita xx
Monday, 30 January 2012
I didn't make my usual Christmas cards this year but
i did make quilted placement mats .... I joined , along with my sister , a quilting class at the end of September last year . I love it . I find it relaxing and cant believe how fast 2 1/2 hrs goes ! Believe it or not i hate sewing , loathed it when i was at school and paid no attention in the lesson's ! Now
here i am quilting away and enjoying it lol ! I had to re-learn using a sewing machine because i hadn't used one since i was in school ( many years ago ! )
I started off using a basic Singer machine but during
November whilst watching a programme on ' Create and Craft ' TV they were demonstrating a computerized 'Silver' machine and it was on offer , so i bought it . Its a lovely machine to use , very easy to understand and it does around 500 different stitches ! My one gripe , which i discovered yesterday , is when the light bulb goes you have to ring a service engineer to change it ! But its a minor thing so not going to grumble about it . Here are some of my Christmas placement mats that i made
As this is the first time i've tried my hand at quilting i'm quite pleased with my finished product . At quilting classes we started to make a lap quilt. I've nearly finished all my blocks for this , i just have 2 more to make and then i can start putting it together .
Well i had better finish here for the moment as i have some things to finish and i want to finish off a couple of things before quilting classes tomorrow . Take care and thank you for stopping by .God bless and hugs Melita
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Its been 10 long months since i have written a new up-date on either of my blogs . Its been a rather hard year for me and during it i lost both my darling cats within 3 weeks of each other . Missy my tabby was the 1st one i lost . I noticed during the morning that she wasnt herself , and said to my daughters that i would take her to see the vet in the afternoon , but when i went to check on her a bit later she had slipped into a coma and died not long after . We had found her wandering around our town late one night and although we knocked doors and put a notice up , no-one claimed her , so she stayed with us . She was about 3-4 mths old when we found her and was around 16 yrs when she died on 2nd Febuary .
I wanted to add a picture of Missy but they are all on my other broken laptop , will have to try and see if i can get them off my hard drive somehow .
My other cat , Murphy , my baby boy , was the same age as Missy but i had him since he was 7wks old . From the 1st day he slept in my arms and he did the same all through his life , it didnt
matter if i was sitting , lying on my back or my side Murphy would climb on up and settle down to sleep . He was my baby , my little man . After Missy died he just went down hill , i spent 3 wks going to and fro the vets trying to get him better , but in the end i had to make that horrible decision to let him go . In 3 wks he went blind and could barely stand . I was heartbroken to let him go but couldnt see him suffer like that , the vet said there was nothing more i could do . Its the worse part of having a pet , they become part of the family and the pain of losing a much loved part of family is overwhelming . They were both laid to rest in my daughters garden and she has made a lovely place were they are with flowers and even a plaque with their names and dates on . Its nice to know i can go there and lay some flowers for them . The house was so empty afterwards , its funny how two small animals can leave such a large , emptyness in a home . They will never be forgotten and will have joined my other pets that i have had at 'THE RAINBOW BRIDGE' . God bless both you , mummy loves you and thinks of you every day .
All the stress and upset caused a flare of my FIBROMYALGIA AND ME and i've had a lot of pain and fatigue this year . I didnt want to make any cards or do much to be honest and my 'mojo' was gone . I am now beginning to pick up and start to do some things which i will add to another blog post . I also have 2 new additions to my home . My 3 daughters turned up one evening with 2 tiny fur babies .. 2 little kittens , one all black and female and her brother , grey with white patchs . I will tell you all about them on another blog
, but will leave you with a picture . Thank you for reading and God bless Melita xx
I wanted to add a picture of Missy but they are all on my other broken laptop , will have to try and see if i can get them off my hard drive somehow .
My other cat , Murphy , my baby boy , was the same age as Missy but i had him since he was 7wks old . From the 1st day he slept in my arms and he did the same all through his life , it didnt
All the stress and upset caused a flare of my FIBROMYALGIA AND ME and i've had a lot of pain and fatigue this year . I didnt want to make any cards or do much to be honest and my 'mojo' was gone . I am now beginning to pick up and start to do some things which i will add to another blog post . I also have 2 new additions to my home . My 3 daughters turned up one evening with 2 tiny fur babies .. 2 little kittens , one all black and female and her brother , grey with white patchs . I will tell you all about them on another blog
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Well we are now coming to the end of this day , this special day because 92yrs ago it was the end of the First World War . So many very young men or in some cases boys lost their lives during this War . Many dont even have a grave because in many cases they were just blown to pieces or lost in the Flanders mud . They had to live in terrible conditions . Many times they were in water and mud up to their thighs and they had to stand duty in this all night long . I have read many accounts of the Soldiers experience that have left me in tears or in awe at what they put up with and endured . They did this for their Country and for Freedom . We must NEVER forget that they gave their lives for 'OUR FREEDOM' . Heros everyone !!
I am including some photos of my Grand-fathers Medals , he served with the 1st Devonshire Regiment . He joined the Army in 1910 , served all through the 1st World War , was badly injured on The Somme and during 1918 recieved the DCM for oustanding bravery . He continued to serve in the Army until 1933 .

The 2nd lot of photos and the photograph is of my Father . He was called up at the start of the 2nd World War and served until the end . I hope you enjoy looking at these photos , i am so very proud of these 2 men and without them and men of their like we wouldnt be here and enjoying the lives we have now ... SO GOD BLESS TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM !
MY darling Dad who i love so very much and missing him is a heartache that has never gone away . He wasnt just a very 'Special' Dad , he was a very Special' man as well .. RIP Dad ...
Thank you for taking the time to read this ...God bless and Take care and hugs Melita xx
I am including some photos of my Grand-fathers Medals , he served with the 1st Devonshire Regiment . He joined the Army in 1910 , served all through the 1st World War , was badly injured on The Somme and during 1918 recieved the DCM for oustanding bravery . He continued to serve in the Army until 1933 .
The 2nd lot of photos and the photograph is of my Father . He was called up at the start of the 2nd World War and served until the end . I hope you enjoy looking at these photos , i am so very proud of these 2 men and without them and men of their like we wouldnt be here and enjoying the lives we have now ... SO GOD BLESS TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM !
Thank you for taking the time to read this ...God bless and Take care and hugs Melita xx
Monday, 1 November 2010
WHOOPS !! ...I havent written an up-date on here for awhile , naughty girl !!
Well did everyone have a good Halloween ... I did . My daughter Ruth had a Halloween Party at her house and it was brilliant . She had blacked out all the walls with black plastic which had these fantastic designs on them . She covered all of the ceiling with cobwebs , spiders , bats and hanging skeletons . We had lighted pumkins and candles . She had also put up the canopy outside and decorated that with hanging ghosts and bunting , i may add it was just as well that she put up the canopy as it belted down with rain nearly the whole night . Plenty of food and drink for everyone , and music all with the sound effects . Everyone had such a great time ! ... Hope you enjoy looking at the photos . The 1st one is of me , i am The Dark Angel of the Cemetery . The group one is me with my 3 daughters . Well that is all for now and hugs Melita xxx

Well did everyone have a good Halloween ... I did . My daughter Ruth had a Halloween Party at her house and it was brilliant . She had blacked out all the walls with black plastic which had these fantastic designs on them . She covered all of the ceiling with cobwebs , spiders , bats and hanging skeletons . We had lighted pumkins and candles . She had also put up the canopy outside and decorated that with hanging ghosts and bunting , i may add it was just as well that she put up the canopy as it belted down with rain nearly the whole night . Plenty of food and drink for everyone , and music all with the sound effects . Everyone had such a great time ! ... Hope you enjoy looking at the photos . The 1st one is of me , i am The Dark Angel of the Cemetery . The group one is me with my 3 daughters . Well that is all for now and hugs Melita xxx
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Hi Everyone ...
Now i live in Cornwall in the UK , land of Legends , Lore , ghosts and strange happenings . It is also a place of up-most beauty and i love it . There is no-where quite like Cornwall and even Bodmin Moor which is desolate has a haunting beauty of its own . Most of you must of heard of 'Jamaica Inn' by 'Daphne de Maurier' . Jamiacia Inn was built in 1750 as a resting place for the weary traveller . It is on the edge of Bodmin Moor and very isolated and was a place used by Smugglers along the Cornish Coast because of the isolation as well . There are many ghostly stories and legends involving Bodmin Moor and Jamaica Inn , but i think i may save some for nearer to Halloween ! ... A few pictures of Bodmin Moor and Jamacia Inn .

Another place that is special to Cornwall is Tintagel where the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of The round table came from ... Now wheather this legend is true i dont know , but i'm romantic enough to believe it ..Saying King Arthur brings to mind Merlin , Camalot and the Sword in The Stone .. Wouldn't it be nice if we could travel back in time and go to these places and see them as they where many , many years ago , see how they dressed and lived , but mainly we have to rely on stories handed down from generations long gone .. . I hope you like this peek into my beloved Cornwall and the photos , i will add some more ._prefRes.jpg)
The ruins in the photo is Tintagel Castle .
Built right on the cliff edge .. what a truly beautiful place .. As you walk these paths you wonder how many people have walked these same paths before you in a different time ...
Take care until next time and hugs Melita xx
Now i live in Cornwall in the UK , land of Legends , Lore , ghosts and strange happenings . It is also a place of up-most beauty and i love it . There is no-where quite like Cornwall and even Bodmin Moor which is desolate has a haunting beauty of its own . Most of you must of heard of 'Jamaica Inn' by 'Daphne de Maurier' . Jamiacia Inn was built in 1750 as a resting place for the weary traveller . It is on the edge of Bodmin Moor and very isolated and was a place used by Smugglers along the Cornish Coast because of the isolation as well . There are many ghostly stories and legends involving Bodmin Moor and Jamaica Inn , but i think i may save some for nearer to Halloween ! ... A few pictures of Bodmin Moor and Jamacia Inn .


Take care until next time and hugs Melita xx
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Nine yrs ago today the World was stunned by the events that took place in America .... Watching programmes on the TV this week of 9/11 still stuns and upsets me . How can the human race inflict this horror on each other ?? !! .. Why cant we all accept that different nations believe , worship and live in a different way to each other .. But there will always be those who dont believe in Freedom , who are power crazy or that their religion is the 'ONLY' religion . That is why we have to 'remember' all those who died on that terrible day, and along with those , we should also remember all 'our' Armed Forces who have given their lives in the name of Freedom in all Wars and are still doing so today .. God Bless Them and to those who lost their lives may they Rest In Peace ...... I'm not going to add anything more today but will leave you with a poem i came across on a web site which i found quite moving ...
Take care until next time and hugs Melita xx
Take care until next time and hugs Melita xx
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